Should people in the us flee to countries that arent in the path of the radiation plumes from japan?


Radiation has already reached hundreds of miles from the nuclear plant with just a small leak. If there is a meltdown in 3 reactors, it will be the wost nuclear disaster this world has ever seen, and the radiation will be forced eastward into the US by the Jet Stream. Maybe not levels that will lead to immediate, acute radiation deaths, but definitely cancers and long term health problems.


You can run but you can't hide!


I doubt any country would take us.

South Amherst

o_O... you're worried about a radiation fallout which in all likely hood might be no-worst than talking on a cellphone for a few hours. chernobyl was 20x worst and people are fine (outside of the danger zone). if you want to worry about something, consider every square mile of the pacific has garbage in it and there is a plastic toxic zone the size of texas there. or that many car companies are still fighting alternative fuel vehicles to further their own pockets.

Lenhartsville go first, OK? I'll be right behind you.


Sure, get in your car and drive as fast as you can to get away from the radiation. When you die in the wreck you will probably cause you won't have to worry anymore.

Maiden Rock

Good luck finding somewhere that'll take however many millions of people live in the USA. Stop worrying, levels have plummeted now but the media want you to think there is still a danger or they have no news worth reporting.


I tried Canada, but they wouldn't have me.

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