
Limitless ZZZ's of Narcolepsy | Insomnia Treatment
vulnerably sleepy...this is the lifelong problem of narcoleptics. This sleep disorder called narcolepsy robs working group epoch - epoch at what time they must.

The Causes Of Narcolepsy | Insomnia Treatment
come again? clothed in the the man may possibly be present causing such a unfamiliar disorder for case Narcolepsy? Scientists boast been asking this.

Supreme Court To Decide Provided Cheryl Perich, Teacher With Narcolepsy ...
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court will decide whether a teacher at a church-run school is a religious or secular worker when it comes to the Americans with Disabilities Fact. The aerial court on Monday agreed to hear an ask from ...

What is a commonly prescribed medicine for fixed drowsiness or ...
Aloof as an aside – researchers accept that a absence of the brain chemical orexin may be the reason of narcolepsy, however it will be awhile before orexin is fabricated available, of direction. rklst9pitt says: Walk 31, 2011 at 4:25 am ...

Influenza A Vaccine can Reason Narcolepsy | Drugs Information
Rare chronic neurological disease, narcolepsy is characterized by severe excessive sleepiness during the time. In some cases it is associated with loss of muscle tone triggered by strong feeling. A Finnish study published in early ...

FLU Information SCAN: Swedish H1N1 vaccine-narcolepsy link, H1N1 in ...
Sweden finds narcolepsy couple to H1N1 vaccine Swedish researcher exploring the probable couple in between 2009 H1N1 vaccination too as narcolepsy in young kids begin which those who perceived the Pandemrix vaccine had the fourfold ...

Placebo – Narcoleptic @ la rivera
A song to say goodbye to Steve. Narcoleptic @ la rivera 11/11/2000.

Daily Kos: KosAbility: Sleep Edition - Living with Narcolepsy
Narcolepsy can be an embarrassing disease – according to the time I fell asleep at work while talking to a vendor – I then started talking to the vendor approximately what was current in my fantasy. As the vendors' confusion became obvious I woke in a ...

WORLD Information: Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder
The Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT) may be used to aid diagnose narcolepsy. This test measures how continued it takes you to fall asleep during a daytime nap. Patients with narcolepsy fall asleep even faster than persons without the ...

What should I accomplish approximately my activity?
I was having trouble sleeping for a continued time, so I finally got it checked outside.
I was diagnosed with possible narcolepsy, and the doctors put me on Provigil and Prozac.
The provigil worked for a hardly any days, however then they stopped.
The prozac has kept working but, when I take it I'm not as irritable, I'm happier, and nicer. When I don't, i'm back to my aged a**gap self.

I stopped taking the provigil, and I'm still activity bigger on the prozac.

I looked up symptomes of depression, and I fit into a abundance of them.
I own problem concentrating sometimes. Tiredness and decreased force. Feelings of worthlessness, and feelings of hopelessness and pessimism. Insomnia sometimes, and excessive sleeping other times. Above Irritability. Loss of absorption in activities or hobbies. Appetite reduction.
Persistent aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems. And I sometimes air empty inside.

However these aren't 100% of the time. It comes and goes.
I activity from life all down in the dumps, secluded out, quiet, and basically out from the world, then I activity to life big, outgoing, a scream, cheery, complete of force and stuff.

I don't understand provided I might own depression, or something else.

Any aid on diagnosing would be abundantly appreciated :)

Depression or something else?
I am a 24 year aged woman a semester and a half from graduating with my BA. I too own a disability and own been in the process of applying for SSI and appeals for over 2 years. While the primary disorder is an anxiety disorder, I own a sleep disorder that may be narcolepsy, and I own seen sleep doctors and they own recommended the tests however we haven't been able to afford that.

So the reason for the back story is since while I'm trying to deal with my issues, I own too taken on the role of housewife. I accomplish all the laundry (which has to be done daily to every other time since my general code husband has a work uniform), I try and cook when I own the force, I own much gotten bigger on the cleaning. (When I lived by myself, things were a bit cluttered, however they were clean; I was never embarrassed to own someone over.) Well, my boyfriend/husband any more expects me to accomplish all the housework to the point I literally sometimes chase him encircling with a trash bag to pick up after him.

The problem is that I was primarily raised by my mom who advocated equal rights, don't let guys take service of you, etc., and then on the infrequent weekends when I saw my father, who was very religious, he told me to fully submit to my husband once I got to that relationship.

Any more, I understand there has to be a balance, however he never does ANY abode work, and then he gets aberrant at me since 1) I never accomplish enough, 2) I'm "apathetic" and 3) Since he's the sole means provider (which isn't right true--I bring in at least $10k a year from my student loans and grants), he thinks he has the right to need added of me in course to "balance" the relationship.

Any more, the problem is, as previously mentioned, I wasn't really messy before (cluttered I admit to, however not trashed according to it's been since the time we've been together), he's fully aware that I own some sleep disorder which prevents me from living a fully accustomed activity (there's a great chance I own narcolepsy, and so yes, without life ill I can sleep for 16+ hours a time, however he still thinks it's good to yell at me for not doing enough instead of trying to aid me), and much getting him to take outside trash is a nightmare. I beggarly, I literally put outside his clothes in the morning.

So please, for those of you who own been here, where is the balance. Accomplish I accord up my values that I was taught and alter to what I always thought would be a drone designed to serve her husband? After three years, there has been no way to back any of this to him without him getting defensive/ablaze/manufacture things worse. I'm to the point of tears since I really want to aid, I want to be clean, I want to help in things, however I don't understand why he is still getting aberrant when I am trying and he alone goes to work and does certainly annihilation encircling the abode.

Please, I charge aid. I don't understand what to. Thanks for any aid.

Tips on learning to be a housewife and dealing with activity insignificant? 10 points for ace return?
The other after dark, I was laying on my side, facing my roommate and I experienced what felt according to something moving under the covers near my neck/shoulder world where "it" then moved to my back and started to push me down, bending my top torso lower and lower towards my knees (I was initially in a semi-fetal position). Possibly I was bending myself, I don't understand, however I felt a bloodless sensation all down my back.
I still had my eyes closed, however I was aware of everything going on.
I wanted to scream outside to my roommate or act or accomplish something.. anything.. however I couldn't act.
I clearly remember saying "amuse a authority of yourself" in my mind and I calmed down and got outside of whatever it was that I was experiencing.
I looked some stuff up online and the next thing I begin came outside to be Sleep Paralysis, however since I don't own narcolepsy, it's considered Remoted Sleep Paralysis. Thing is.. my symptoms don't right match... a) I wasn't laying on my back or stomach, b) it literally felt according to there was something touching (not aloof a "energy" pushing) me, c) I wasn't drinking alcohol and had been sleeping aloof good the nights before.

Please aid me figure outside what happened! :(

One added thing... when I finally opened my eyes, I looked at the clock and it was 3 A.M..

What does it beggarly when you air a plam pushing down on you while sleeping?
Sooo I amuse the hypnogogic hallucinations where you're half asleep, half awake and you own the hallucinations/dreams... And I'm a very ablaze sleeper. However sometimes in my sleep, I can sense a person's presence provided they walk into the room... Is this since I'm not fully asleep and having another page?

Please aid? I was aloof diagnosed with Narcolepsy and charge aid?
I'm writing a narrative approximately a appearance who has narcolepsy and gets cataplexy episodes.
I charge to understand for sure how continued each page might at the end and provided it depends, then assume the worse.
Too, provided you personally own the same case, please call how it feels. I want to be accurate in portraying the disorder. Thanks.

How continued does a cataplexy page at the end?
I understand some persons with narcolepsy activity misdiagnosed and are treated insomnia. Since narcolepsy neurological and disrupts one's REM, and sleeping pills typically depress one's central afraid system and access melatonin would it access the narcoleptic symptoms such as sleep paralysis? Or would it aloof aid them sleep usually?

What happens provided someone with untreated narcolepsy takes a sleeping pill?
I own been going to a sleep doctor who is approximately 35 miles out since I own severe insomnia (all my activity), severe sleep apnea, and any more some other problem that makes me "nod off" during the time (not narcolepsy). He medically banned me from driving as I drove off the highway once when I nodded off. He too won't tell me what disorder this is unless I come into his work! I told him I can't amuse there since I'm medically not supposed to propel and that I am afraid to propel and asked him why he aloof didn't phone in the prescription that is supposed to aid this, I will take it for a week or so, then I will own no problems driving up! He won't accomplish it. I accomplish own to tell you that there are alone according to 3 of these REM Sleep Specialists where I alive, and he has a pretty ample ego.

Besides, since I own had to cancel twice (and he knew the reasons, and I am not a hard patient), he will no longer prescribe my sleep meds. I charge those meds as this is going to be a very continued adventure, I am in Cognitive Behavioral Treatment, am on CPAP, and it is going to take a continued time before all this insomnia gets straightened outside. Besides, I told him this was abandonment, and he got really upset and I own no medication.

Isn't he supposed to prescribe my medications until he finds me a similar doctor, or until I acquisition one? I am desperate.

Charge aid badly approximately a doctor?
When I was approximately 18 I had these HORRRRIBLEEE HEADACHES that lasted for approximately 2weeks. I had an MRI and Bloodwork and everything was good. "Cluster Headaches" was what I was diagnosed with. In 2009 I caught "The Flu".. Then 5 years subsequent (any more 23) I got diagnosed with Bells Palsy on December 19. I recovered encircling Jan 16. Since then here has been a file of my symptoms:

Twitching of facial or other muscles

Facial paralysis (Bell’s Palsy)

Tingling of nose, (tip of) tongue, cheek / facial flushing

Stiff or painful neck (Approximately 4MONTHS AGO)

Red Eyes sometimes (Allergies?!)

Flashing lights/Peripheral waves/phantom images in corner of eyes


Decreased hearing in one or both ears, plugged ears

Buzzing in ears

Affliction in ears, oversensitivity to sounds

Ringing in one or both ears

Interstitial cystitis

GERD (gastroesophageal reflux

Bone affliction (Alone IN MY PINKY)

carpal tunnel syndrome

Stiffness of joints, back, neck, tennis elbow

After dark Sweats

Ardent Flashes

Passion palpitations or additional beats

Tremors or unexplained shaking

Burning or stabbing sensations in the object

Tiredness everyday encircling 3pm-5pm

Pressure in the mind

Numbness in object, tingling, pinpricks

Poor balance, dizziness, problem walking

Humour swings, irritability, bi-polar disorder

Unusual depression

Disorientation (getting or activity absent)

Activity as provided you are losing your apperception

Temper Tantroms

Problem falling or staying asleep

Narcolepsy, sleep apnea

Alarm attacks, anxiety

Intellectual Capability

Forgetting Where I put things

Confusion, problem in thinking

Problem with concentration or reading

Going to the wrong place

Pre-mature Ejaculation
Erectile Disfunction
Sexual dysfunction

Testicular or pelvic affliction

Liver Enzyemes up to 202

Basically, I sleep excessively. And I'm usually sleepy at time. According to much provided I wake up at encircling 9am in a 12-HR sleep, i'll be sleepy again in a hardly any minutes/hours. I can indeed sleep for 18 hours or so. I've been according to this for encircling 5 years already (I'm 19). However I noticed that...when I'm acutely cheerful approximately something, I don't air such usual sleepiness.

Is this narcolepsy, kleine-levin sydrome or what?
I slept and dreamed during all five of the timed naps. The technician verified that the polysomnograph showed dreaming in all of the naps, however she never said anything specific approximately REM sleep or any of the sleep stages. I understand to be diagnosed you own to enter REM during 2/5 naps, so I was wondering provided dreaming during all 5 meant I definitely experienced REM during all of them?

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