How can nuclear fuel rods be exposed yet radiation levels remain low?


I know Japan has a full plate right now and public panic isn't in the interest of keeping order, but there is no way fuel rods can be out in the open air environment even having ocean water poured on them creating steam, yet have radiation remain at safe levels. I think nuclear power plants could be made safe and could be a viable energy option. However if it becomes acceptable practice to lie to the public about radiation exposure I am fully against it. I want to see the video of the guy next to the reactor with a radiation counter to show that levels are safe. Lying to the public is potential genocide.

Timber Lake

I think these Japanese scientists 'are playing-down/lying' regarding this event - so not not too panic the public - how can exposed' rods etc - be controlled when the whole idea of them is too be 'covered' at all times - otherwise a 'meltdown will happen' and 'radiation leaks/explosions' will occur - 'the china syndrome' - the most 'feared wording' in the nuclear field. How people can think that these scientists are working from 'safe-distances' is beyond me - when in fact 'they' have to be on site dealing with all these troubles etc at close quarters. They knowing they 'have to be on the front line' with this issue - whether 'they' like it of not. I think the whole thing 'will-bow-up' - in time - I can't see any other result - considering these scientists with their TV bulletins are only stating what 'might-could-may - happen etc - its all just guess work on their part - they all 'staying away from the word explosion' - none convincing in 'anything' they say - they dealing with figures on paper (which mean nothing at all) because in reality its 'gone-beyond' that - and if a 'big' explosion does occur - the 'radiation cloud' will spread around Japan and further - in a very short amount of time.!!As you've said - its criminal too keep the 'consequences of this silent' - the public around the world should be told and warned.!!I've always had the opinion that (so-called) 'technology' would destroy this planet - and it seems to heading that way with this radiation leak(s) - nothing being sustainable for 100's of years.


it is possible that all 6 nuclear reactors at Fukushima power plant will undergo a meltdown. If so, if you live devise the west lakeshore of America, you must buy lots of potassium iodide (i conjure up thats it) to protect from the diffusion. it will betray blown grate on nerves america in the blow.


this should answer your question. When did ever a Government of any country, tell the Truth about anything?


Right now the NHK and Japanese Government is running around trying to keep the other reactors from exploding. I believe all they are worrying about is people panicking and making rash decisions. The suicide rate is already high in Japan, to hint at one example of a bad decision. Yes, the reactors are leaking radioactive gases into the air, and of course even water wouldn't stop it. However, though I do not agree with this PR technique, as long as people are not panicking, then the government can clean up and prepare better for the next earthquake, expected within three to four days.

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