Politically speaking would you like a new nuclear plant in your community?


Do you feel pretty safe living or working next to a nuclear reactor, in light of what's happening in Japan this week?

South Jordan

The YA cons already live near nuclear power plants.

Sunset Hills

Yes, especially if it is a third generation nuclear power plant that is set up to be fail safe as in all cooling values fail open and the rods fail down causing the plant to shut down automatically. Also with the cooling in the newest reactors coming in from the bottom and the steam coming from the top it is far safer then the gen two reactors that were initially built. As a matter of fact, some of the newer plants don't have to run pumps until they are creating about 30% of the energy that can be created. Yes, I have worked on a transition generation atomic reactor in the Navy and it is very safe.

Lost Hills

NO. Nukes are too dangerous and we don't need them. Politicians that promote them are getting paid by those who build them. They are deadly. The only people that think Renewable Energy is some dumb left wing plot, or is not the future, of safe, sustainable enrgy are those brainwashed by the Oil Industry and their Republican (and Democratt) lead leaders in elected office, whose campaigns are financed by the Nuclear Energy Lobby. Nukes are Deadly. Ruins the land for generations to come. We don't need Nukes. Only Nuke Makers want Nukes. Only people not using their heads want Nukes.


Living near a Nuclear plant is no more dangerous than living next to a gas station. In fact you have more of a chance of catastrophe at a gas station than at a nuke plant. Now the people of Japan near this Nuclear site have endured the unthinkable, but it is not the Nuclear plant that caused the earth quake the quake caused the Plant problems...

Benton Heights

Considering it took the 4th worst quake in the history of the planet AND a major tsunami to take it out, I wouldn't have a problem. I don't live on a fault line and am about 3 hours from the coast. EDIT: @Doc Holliday: I'm an engineer, I understand the technology. I've actually been in the Byron Unit 2 plant in Illinois. Nuke power is very safe.

Mount Carmel

Politically speaking no it would be very unpopular. Reality speaking I already have one it is the largest in the world. It provides good paying jobs to a lot of people and it provides reliable energy to 3 states. I sure would hate to breath the air if you put in a cool fired planet that generated that much power

Town Creek

Personaly yesEven more so after I took some CBRNE reaction training. Most of this has been blown out of proportion. If one of the top 10 earthquakes in recoded history hits followed by a 30 foot wall of water that kills at least 10,000 people and one out of 50 Nuke plants has an Issue, I think they are doing great that's a 98% success rate! For people outside of the 10 mile radius the nuke plant is the least of their worries. As long as everyone evacuates the 10 mile radius and they protect their drinking water, livestock and crops to ensure they don't consume anything that has been contaminated they will be fine.


There is one here in Wisconsin up north a little bit. Nobody lives right next to it - obviously. I'm more worried about the chemical plant in my town that makes farm chemicals. Stuff blows up over ther eonce in awhile and wakes up the neighborhood. They have had a chemical leak. Yet they are still allowed to stay. Nuclear accidents are extremely rare.


Nearby wouldn't be that bad. the problem is not with the reactors themselves. The problem lies with the companies that operate them. There have been many reports of shoddy maintenance and outright LIES about the safety inspections. As with most everything else the greed gets to people and they put profits above all else.


We do and it's no problem. It's maintained and in perfect condition. The problem in Japland is the liars didn't maintain the equipment and have the proper safety devices on hand. Also clustering nuclear plants is a stupid move. Maybe the whole fricken island will sick and do us all a favor! I wonder if Toyota built those reactors?


First, 22% of the power that goes to homes and businesses in the US comes from nuclear. I wouldn't mind if there was a plant next to my house. I don't live in an earthquake zone, either.

Las Piedras

They are very safe and efficient if they are properly maintained. If an airplane crashes, should we stop flying. The likelihood of an earthquake and tsunami happening at the same time is like one in a million shot.

Tuolumne City

Yes, I would like to have one close to me. I had bought property at Thre Mile Island, but the meltdown occurred before I could build, so I changed plans. Hopefully there will be an atomic reactor near me soon.


sure. i mean how often does a nuclear plant actually blow up. chernobyl (sp?) is the last one i even remember before japan.


YES! Nuclear power is the future!


I live 10 miles from a reactor. I won't waste my time worrying about something that has little chance of happening.


We already have one here in Vermont. Would I like a new one here? Absolutely, the one we have is old.

Richmond Hill

Doesn't bother me.


i'm not chicken little, so i don't care


Build it in RT's back yard. He can contract with the plant to keep spent fuel rods in his swimming pool

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