In 2006, MSNBC reported that Japanese animation, including anime and manga, was gaining a in popularity among young American women. Young girls who like showing such as "Pokemon" and "Sailor Moon" will enjoy playing anime coloring games with their friends or alone. Keep girls occupied on a slow afternoon and ask them to color in images from their favorite anime. Turn the coloring sessions into a game and award prizes, such as anime stickers.
Fashion Design
Every girl takes a printout or cutout image of an anime character wearing a bathing suit with no hair. Use the characters from online anime dress up games if you like. The girls design the character's clothing and hairstyle with their markers, crayons or colored pencils. They each vote on their favorite design and the winner is the player who gets the most votes. If the girls are especially creative, they can name their characters and come up with a story in which all of their characters play a part.
Online Coloring Games
Girls without anyone with whom to play need only a computer and Internet access in order to play online coloring games. Online anime coloring games feature generic anime-style characters as well as characters from popular girl-oriented anime series such as "Sailor Moon." In order to digitally color the image, the player clicks on a color from the digital palette and then clicks in the area she wants shaded. If the player makes a mistake, she clicks on the other color she wants and re-colors the area. Players can print out the images when they are finished.
ReplyDeleteChildren learn quicker if they're playing and having fun. Girls usually don't have many options of playing or having fun as compared to boys. Boys usually have lots of different things that they can do to keep themselves busy. But here we provides some other Fun Online Girl Games only for the girls.