A lot of company managers wants to encourage their personnel to come with ideas regarding how to make the company a better workplace as well as ideas on new or modified products to be able to sell more. By having the ideas come from the personnel you will not only get ideas from the experts but also have the employees work harder since they feel they are part of the decisions in the company.
The reasoning around this is very straight forward and it is not hard to understand that this means success in the easy world. But, in the real world it is not always that easy.
There are a few things to think about before giving the opportunity to the personnel to give ideas.
1. Why do you want ideas from the personnel and in what areas?
It is easy to decide that you want to have ideas from the personnel but not always so easy to act on the ideas you receive. There are probably more companies around the world that have been implementing idea management without acting on them than the other way around. By giving the opportunity without acting on it will discourage the personnel and make them produce less in their daily work.
It is important to create a strategy before you let the personnel hand in ideas. Some questions that should be answered are:
* What area/s do we want ideas about?
* Why do we want ideas (purpose is always very important to think of)?
* Do we have a deadline for when the ideas should be handed in?
* What should we do with the successful ideas and should we award the contributors?
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