Will rain can help japan to cool down all the nuclear reactors?


Will rain can help Japan to cool down all the nuclear reactors? How likely rain will assist soon? Please bon gr baleful answers.

Fox River Valley Gardens

Here is an informative article: http://bravenewclimate. com/2011/03/13/fu…And no, rain won't help, the reactors are inside a building and then inside two other containment structures.


No. Rain will not help in the least bit. They need a steady flow of water, and lots of it. The issue is, they can't get the water in there because the reactors are blown to bits and have cracks in them. They can't go near them because of the incomprehensible amounts of radiation.


Rain would help - if it were falling directly on the reactor (it's still inside a building) and if by "rain" you meant "several thousand gallons of water per minute"The reactor is several at thousand degrees, and weighs several hundred tons. Even a monsoon wouldn't have a measurable effect on it.


You would need a river of water to go into each or the reactors and keep on flowing for weeks until the reactors have cooled down, then there's the question of environmental damage since the water will leak out into the environment.

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