Yahoo is one American search engine and Yahoo post is an email service offered dint of Yahoo. It is a free email menial duties and was regarded as second largest structure mail service of US in 2011. From the time of its freedom, Yahoo has introduced three versions of post i.e. Yahoo Mail Classic in 1997, reinvigorated version came in 2005 and beta version in 2011. Yahoo mail offers its users with various features such as ads, unbounded email storage capacity, protection against spam & viruses, 25MB email fastening limit. As long as you obtain access for internet, one can easily use Yahoo from any computer whether from home, office, school etc.
Yahoo mail support is contacted in cases whereas some problem is encountered with Yahoo mailed matter. If one has forgotten their secret parole, yahoo mail support can be reached what one will ask for your answer as being the secret question that you selected though creating your account or an alternate email skill. The mail support provides protection contrary to bogus mails. Sometimes, your inbox is full of messages informing that the communication you send failed. In such cases, the prop team always advise to have the most of all and authentic anti-virus installed attached your computer. The password which you are using should be hard for anyone to guess i.e. it should consist of literature, numbers or any other character and the watchword should be changed at regular intervening time in order to prevent it from acquirement hacked.